How to Lose Weight in 30 Days

(Video: How to Lose Weight in 30 Days)

Lose Weight in 30 Days

Nowadays, the process of weigh loss is too overcomplicated and commercialized:

  • Eat this amount of calories in a spreadsheet of everything you put in your mouth.
  • Wear this new body-compression outfit that mold your body into a supermodel.
  • Do all these fancy exercises for this part of your body, and do the next for these other parts.
  • Take these new dietary supplements that will guarantee to burn all the fat away within 24 hours.
  • Buy this new expensive powerhouse equipment to make you a monstrous home-gym fanatic.

While shedding the unwanted pounds gained may seem like a long-stretch technical process, the answer has always been fairly simple: eat less, get active more.

It’s a combination of fat loss coupled with muscle gain – this is the combination to strive for at the same time if you want to be in the best physical shape quickly

Getting back in shape can be done as bare bones as possible with three minimum steps to get rid of the pounds in a period of 30 days. (*Disclaimer: Results are atypical and vary. Always consult with your physician before attempt.)

Accentuate on the Negative

Prank Position

This has nothing to do with your attitude. Instead, this step involves a successful training technique known as “negative accentuated training.” If you are familiar with strength-training terminology, positive pertains to the lifting or raising phase of a repetition. On the other hand, negative refers to the lowering part of a rep.

Imagine doing a push-up. Mechanically dropping to the floor and raising yourself back up is not an effective way to exercise. A push up done in a negative accentuated way involves lowering yourself to the floor slowly, and in a controlled manner. The key is to lower yourself slowly, spending twice as much time as you would in lifting your body back up.

This is how you should do it:

1.) Using a stopwatch or some timer, prepare to time yourself.

2.) Begin in a plank position. Take 20 seconds to lower yourself to the ground.

3.) Once you’re down, pause for a while then take another 20 seconds to push your body back up.

4.) Now, since you are doing a negative accentuated exercise, spend another 20 seconds getting your body down, your chest touching the floor.

A total of 40 seconds to lower your body and 20 seconds to lift it back up, this makes one difficult exercise to complete. However, the good news is that you do not have to go to the gym and spend hours to work out.

It only takes a few reps of this exercise a day to achieve positive results.

Drink a Lot of Water

Drink Water

The old tried-and-true, water brings forth a lot of benefits – from hydrating your body to promoting skin health.

In particular, drinking ice-cold water will speed up your metabolism and result in burning more calories. By ingesting cold water, your internal organs will have to expend more calories just to warm the H2O.

There is no better way to burn calories than that. It gives better result than any other food or beverage you can eat or drink.

Perk Your Posture Up

Maintain Good Postures

This is a trick that can help you instantly look leaner:

  • Just stand erect and tall, and lift your head up “to the ceiling.” Pulling your shoulders back and having your chin up will enhance your height that will, in turn, give the illusion of a leaner body.

Maintaining a good posture comes with other benefits as well. It makes you more confident, aside from helping you burn more calories.

To maintain good posture, imagine that there is a string attached to your head. When you stand, sit, or walk around, the string will pull your head upward as your shoulders stay at ease and relaxed.

Follow these 3 simple doable steps, and you’ll be sure on your way to losing the pounds in no time.

One Response to How to Lose Weight in 30 Days

  1. Jennifer Saer says:

    Between exercise and coierlas: they play hand in hand. If you eat, let’s say, 2000 coierlas and burn only a 1000 you will not lose weight.Between DIET and exercise (meaning what and when you eat vs. exercise): Diet. Diet is the most important factor in weight loss.References :

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