Category Archives: Products

Instant Conflict Resolution

Instant Conflict Resolution

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Resolve Conflict Instantly! When was the last time you found yourself in a tough sticky situation where somebody was upset, angry, disagreeing or yelling at you about to make your life a living hell…and you thought they were going to pound your teeth out, smack you across the>>>Go To

Instant Meditation

Instant Meditation

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Meditate Instantly! Do you want to be more successful? Then the question becomes…what do successful people have in common? They all know how to stay calm no matter what, and are in control of their thoughts and emotions…which is not easy to do in a world that can>>>Go To

Instant Speed Reading

Instant Speed Reading

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Read Faster Instantly! How fast can you read? Not very fast, right? Or at least not as fast as you would like…otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this? Now how about if you can increase your reading speed by 5, or even 10, times faster than you read now…guarantee?>>>Go To

Instant Stress Relief

Instant Stress Relief

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Relieve Stress Instantly! We all deal with it. It’s inevitable. It will occur. It’s called “stress.” Yes, you’ve heard of that word before and also experienced it, probably even everyday. You’re so stressed out from all the things you have to do in within the day, with meeting>>>Go To

Instant Productivity

Instant Productivity

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Be Productive to Get Things Done Easier and Faster Instantly! Shouldn’t you be productive right now…instead of looking into how to be productive? No wonder why you aren’t productive. Ironic, isn’t it? Being productive, allows you to get things done easier, faster, but, most importantly, smarter so you>>>Go To

Instant Habits

Instant Habits

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Break Bad Habits and Form Good Habits Instantly! Are you suffering from a serious case of bad habits? Just go ahead admit it, we all have bad habits. Even behind a supposedly well-put image of “perfecto” that would make Picasso proud, we all do uncontrollable things: That are>>>Go To

Instant Connection

Instant Connection

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Build Rapport with Anyone Instantly! Remember the last time you met somebody you really liked, you got along with, and you wanted to connect with, but they wouldn’t budge or, worse, distance away from you, didn’t want anything to do with you? Whether that was a potential friend,>>>Go To

Instant Goals

Instant Goals

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Set Goals and Achieve Them Instantly! When you die…what do you want people to remember you by? What do you want to leave with your families and friends? What do you want to be your legacy to the world? Let’s be honest, you don’t want to be unimportant>>>Go To

Instant Focus

Instant Focus

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Get and Stay Focused at what You’re Doing Instantly! How often do you have this happen? You are supposed to be doing something, yet are continuously getting distracted by every tiny thing that comes your way and never get anything done. You are supposed to be paying attention>>>Go To

Instant Memory

Instant Memory

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Improve Memory Instantly! We all have those days… You know, when you forget…where you placed your keys; when is your spouse’s anniversary and now he/she is mad at you; when is your doctor’s appointment; when to send important documents to your boss or clients; what time is your>>>Go To

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