Category Archives: Creativity

7 Activities to Supercharge Your Creative Productivity

7 Activities to Supercharge Your Creative Productivity

People who engage in various tasks can often experience a “creative crisis” when faced with problems requiring creative solutions, yet can’t seem to get that spark of creativity going. Henceforth, being able to approach the creative process in times of need is essential. According to American Psychological Association, creativity has two aspects: originality and functionality. Let’s>>>Go To

Creative Problem-Solving Techniques

Creative Problem-Solving Techniques

(Video: Creative Problem Solving Techniques) Everyone at one point or another will have a stumbling block of creativity. Whether you’re a writer, dancer, singer, or just about any discipline in the world, you will find that you can hit a plateau. The wall that you hit can be hard to overcome, if you don’t know>>>Go To

How to Be Funny and Witty with Improv Comedy

How to Be Funny and Witty with Improv Comedy

(Video: How to Be Funny and Witty with Improv Comedy) One of the toughest things for people to do – is comedy. Not just any comedic element, or performance, but improv comedy. Yikes! That’s even worse working from no script, no preparation…nada. On the surface, this may seen like something that will take years to>>>Go To

How to Develop Creativity

How to Develop Creativity

(Video: How to Develop Creativity) Creativity is powerful. It is responsible for coming up with all the innovative ideas that help shape the world as it is today through science, technology, and philosophy. Creativity is considered an innate function of the human mind. It is a person’s outward expression of an emotion or a lingering>>>Go To

Improvisation – The Art of Thinking on Your Feet FAST

Improvisation – The Art of Thinking on Your Feet FAST

(Video: Improvisation – The Art of Thinking on Your Feet FAST) The art of improvisation has quite a long history. It has been seen in many creative media forms, such as the theater and experimental and mainstream films. Take for instance, popular silent filmmakers like Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin utilized improvisation as it helped>>>Go To

Instant Creativity

Instant Creativity

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Be Creative Instantly! Having problem coming up with great ideas? Struggling with thinking of solutions to problems keeping you awake all night? Feeling stuck with forever trying to find your muse for the next big thing in your magnum opus? What you need is a sudden jolt boost>>>Go To

Instant Genius

Instant Genius

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Think Like a Genius to Be One Instantly! When you hear the word “genius” – what immediately pops into your mind? Perhaps, people like Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Leonardo da Vinci, and Thomas Edison just to name a few. What did all these folks have? What was the>>>Go To

Instant Wit

Instant Wit

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Be Witty and Come Up with the Right Things to Say Instantly! Surely you’ve encountered (or even know) that one particular individual in your life who seems to be able to pull “something witty to say” at the drop of a hat that knocks everyone’s socks off –>>>Go To

Instant Humor

Instant Humor

AVAILABLE ON: AVAILABLE AS AUDIO: How to Be Funny Instantly! So you want to be funny…or funnier? Let’s face it, funny people are fun people. The more funny you are, the more fun you have. And who doesn’t want to have fun? Not just girls, but everybody. (Sorry Cyndi Lauper.) Goes without saying, people love>>>Go To

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